Our aim is that all students to achieve their personal best. Our broad and balanced curriculum is differentiated appropriately based on individual needs. This enables children to fulfil their potential socially and academically. Students of all ages can attend additional individual literacy or numeracy lessons tailored specifically to their needs with a member of the Learning Support Department. In addition, students will often have the benefit of in-class support from our highly experienced team of learning support assistants. The SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) or Prep School SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Coordinator liaise with teachers on a regular basis and parents of students on the SEND register are invited to attend regular meetings to review their child’s progress.
To prepare for GCSE studies, if appropriate, psychometric testing is organised to assess students for exam access arrangements. This may involve extra time or a reader for those who qualify under the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) regulations.
The Learning Support Department also provides support via its daily lunchtime homework club. This provides an informal and quiet environment in which students can complete homework, knowing that if there is anything they do not understand, help is at hand.
The Gosfield School Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy outlines how we do our best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for students who have special educational needs and disabilities. It is important to provide relevant reports (Educational Psychology and medical) to the Admissions Team when applying to join the school so that we can assess how we can best support your child. We can arrange meetings with our SENCO to discuss any relevant learning needs.
Contact information:
SENCO: Mrs A Watts (amanda.watts@gosfieldschool.org.uk)