students walking to school

Reception Class

Being the first year of Prep and the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Reception year is one of the most important years of a child’s school life and at Gosfield Prep School, we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and a positive experience for all.

The children in our EYFS settings benefit from small cohorts with focused, high-quality teaching. Reception children receive daily Read, Write Inc lessons across EYFS and KS1 ensuring they are supported and challenged as needed.

Settling In

Most but not all pupils joining the Reception Class at Gosfield Prep School, have come through our school nursery and all children have access to monthly transition sessions starting from the January of their Pre-Reception year. This allows each child to be comfortable with their setting, the class teacher and other adults supporting the class in readiness for their first formal day of school.

Our Early Years children tend to settle quickly and are happy and confident, two essential ingredients in starting their educational career. However, we understand that settling in can be a gradual process and we take every care to ensure each child makes the best possible start to their school journey.


The provision of a balanced, broad-based, relevant curriculum is presented in an ethos that helps every pupil feel happy, safe and secure. We take a creative, cross-curricular approach to much of our learning, with a hands-on approach.

Child-initiated activities foster the development of self-confident, independent pupils who demonstrate an enthusiasm for learning. Subject specialist staff deliver weekly lessons in: Spanish, Music, PE, Swimming, Forest School and Drama.

Learning and Development

Reception pupils follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The prime areas of learning and development in the Reception Class are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Being able to negotiate, consider the ideas and needs of others, empathise and work successfully as part of a team.
  • Communication and Language: Being able to process and follow instructions, having the confidence to communicate freely and express themselves as a learner, and being able to listen attentively in a range of situations.
  • Physical Development: Developing the control and coordination needed for both small and large movements, using tools effectively, negotiating space and understanding the need for physical exercise, a healthy diet and how to keep yourself healthy and safe.

Reception children in Gosfield Prep School are supported to develop the ability to become independent and capable learners for life as we focus on the following skills and attitudes:

  • Being willing to have a go and try something new
  • Bouncing back after difficulties and persisting in the face of challenge
  • Being encouraged and supported to have their own ideas
  • Finding more than one way of doing something
  • Being proud of how they achieve something, not just the achievement itself
  • Making links and connections between their learning

Assessment and Monitoring

Computer-based Test

Children complete a CEM (Center for Evaluating and Monitoring) test at the beginning of the academic year. This is a computer-based test which assesses Literacy, Mathematics and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The CEM test is used as a baseline for the year.

Regular Evaluation of Progress and Development

The EYFS practitioners make regular assessments of children’s learning and use this information to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs.

Assessment in the EYFS is primarily through observations of child-initiated and adult-focused activities. Additionally, termly and end of year assessments are carried out to monitor the progress of every child, an example of this would be the termly Read Write Inc phonics assessment.

Reporting Progress

Progress is reported throughout the year and at the end of the Foundation Stage to parents and Year One teachers.

At a Glance

  • Baseline testing to assess natural learning ability
  • Robust and fully-adaptable English and Mathematics programme
  • Subject specialist lessons
  • Weekly Forest School
  • Weekly Swimming
  • Weekly Spanish
  • Daily extra-curricular activities
  • Private music and LAMDA lessons

Find out more about our fees and additional services under the Admissions tab or view our Prep School Guide from our Prep School Introduction page.