students walking to school

Prep Curriculum & Learning

A strong focus on English and Maths is supported by subject specialist teaching for Science, Food Technology, PE, Music, Performing Arts, Design Technology, Drama and Modern Languages.

Curriculum Aim

We deliver a curriculum which meets the needs of all in a manner that stimulates, challenges, excites and encourages each pupil to question and enjoy the opportunities available to them; fulfilling their potential to the highest possible standard.

Curriculum Overview

  • English and Mathematics is delivered to each class every day.
  • A creative curriculum is used for curriculum subjects such as Science, History, Geography, Computing, RS and PSHE.
  • Spanish is introduced from Reception and is taught to all years by a subject specialist.
  • Forest School Leader led sessions are run on a weekly basis for all pupils.
  • Subject specialist staff teach Music, Spanish, PE, Drama and Games for all years.
  • Verbal Reasoning alongside Food Technology and Design Technology lessons are introduced from Year 3.
  • Subject specialists from the Senior School deliver Science to Years 5 and 6.


The curriculum provides for the teaching of PSHE which is taught to pupils from Year 3 as a timetabled discrete subject. The provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural education and the teaching of British values are covered in these sessions.