girls painting

Senior Curriculum & Learning

We are committed to providing an inspiring and enriching education for our students.  This provides an excellent spring board for our students which launces them into their chosen careers.

Academic success is at the centre of a Gosfield education.  We encourage the development of self-confidence and self-esteem in our students.  This is vital for learning and will help your child achieve their very best.

Students learn best when they:

  • are happy
  • are interested and motivated
  • achieve success and gain approval
  • clearly understand the task
  • are confident, feel secure and are aware of boundaries
  • are challenged and stimulated

Learning takes place in an environment which:

  • is challenging and stimulating
  • is happy and caring
  • is organised
  • makes learning accessible
  • is encouraging and appreciative
  • provides equal opportunities

Our Curriculum

Every student is closely monitored by subject teachers and their form tutor.  Progress is overseen by the Heads of Department, the Head of Section and the Assistant Principal Academic.

Our aim is to:

  • Raise expectations and instil confidence in students
  • Improve individual performance
  • Keep students and parents informed about progress and anticipated grades
  • Identify any underperformance and provide support
  • Celebrate success and ensure that each student’s talents are grown

Key Stage 3

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students (Key Stage 3) follow the National Curriculum, delivering all compulsory subjects, with the addition of Food Technology and Forest School. A comprehensive programme of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHEE) is also part of the curriculum with the core themes of wellbeing relationships and living in the wider world.

Key Stage 4

In Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4), students study mandatory core GCSE subjects: English, Mathematics, and Science. All students also have lessons in PE and PSHEE. Alongside these subjects, students can choose to study four options of their choice. Many subjects offer extra-curricular activities that provide support and extension work to students who show particular interest in the area.

Exams Officer

Mrs N East

Sixth Form

In Years 12 and 13, students select three A Levels. Some vocational courses are also available. These are complemented by Life Skills lessons, Games, and a range of further opportunities such as the Finance Qualification.

Head of 6th Form

Mrs C Perella

Exams Officer

Mrs N East

Homework timetables

Individual Learning Needs

We screen students for learning difficulties and special educational needs. We also act upon any information passed on by the student’s previous school. We highlight those students who are more able, gifted and talented and those who have specific learning difficulties. The provision for a student with a learning difficulty depends on the need being formally diagnosed and may include help such as support within a classroom and individual and group support outside the classroom. More able and gifted and talented students are provided with opportunities to extend their knowledge in extension work in the classroom. There are activities which stretch and challenge these students and they are closely monitored. Teaching staff are well informed, have up to date knowledge of effective learning and teaching strategies and are skilled at teaching students with learning difficulties and those with particular special educational needs.


Mrs Lisa Shannon BA (Hons) PAPAA PGCE

Forest School

Our long-established Forest School, set in our platinum award-winning woodlands, is timetabled weekly for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9.

Key to our long term investment in our Forest School is the opportunity for our pupils to learn things that are not taught and tested in most Schools; but are increasingly essential in next generation careers. Problem solving skills, agility, self-confidence, tenacity and resilience are developed through a combination of free play and structured challenges. Moreover, as generations of children are ever more subjected to challenges presented by online activity and social media, both the physical and wellbeing advantages of time spent in our Forrest School are plain for all to see. By the end of Year 8, everyone is ready to embrace all that the Duke of Edinburgh Awards have to offer as our students progress through Years 9, 10, 11 and beyond.


Open Morning – Saturday 15th March

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