girls painting

Senior Homework

The aim of homework is to support the curriculum and to facilitate student achievement and progress.

We set homework:

  • To reinforce, support and help in the understanding of work covered in class
  • To enable completion of courses in sufficient depth and breadth
  • To develop independent study skills, including research and revision
  • To enable students to establish a routine for study

A maximum of three pieces of homework are set on any one day. Homework timetables are produced at the start of the academic year by the Assistant Principal Academic for students in Years 7 – 11.

Subject teachers set homework following this timetable:

  • Year 7 20 – 30 minutes each piece
  • Year 8 25 – 35 minutes each piece
  • Year 9 30 – 40 minutes each piece
  • Year 10 40 – 45 minutes each piece
  • Year 11 45 – 50 minutes each piece

Our Sixth Form Students typically have 2 or 3 study periods for each subject taken and 3 hours of additional homework per subject as a minimum.

In addition, Sixth Form students are expected to undertake personal research to support their studies.

Homework may also be set to be completed during the holiday periods.


The nature of homework will vary between year groups, classes and topics of study. The homework set by the teacher will usually be differentiated to reflect the ability of the students.

Homework Responsibilities

Students, parents and the School all have a responsibility to homework:


  • Have their homework published on Show my Homework, an online communication and tracking tool for homework. Students have an individual login which allows them to access the homework set by their teachers
  • Ask if they have not understood the homework set
  • Ensure they have everything they need to do their homework before starting
  • Ensure homework is completed and presented to the best of their abilities following the guidance provided


  • Provide clear instructions for homework and ensure that all students have plenty of time to copy down work set or are given printed or online instructions
  • Provide parents and students with access to Show my Homework.
  • Provide a homework timetable for younger students to support their planning in advance
  • Provide clear instructions for homework
  • Mark homework regularly and in line with the school Marking and Assessment Policies
  • Communicate to students and parents any concerns regarding the completion and quality of students’ homework.


  • Check Show my Homework each day to see what has been set and done
  • Ask to see a selection of the work carried out and discuss it with students
  • Help students organise their time to best advantage
  • Ensure students have suitable working conditions at home to carry out their homework
  • Let the school know if students are spending too much or too little time on their homework
  • Let the school know if students are finding the work too easy or too difficult
  • Let the school know if a student is ill or otherwise unable to complete homework set.

It is expected that homework is carried out to the best of a student’s ability and is handed in on time. We ask parents to support this expectation. This gives students valuable experience of working to deadlines and facilitates all students receiving their marked work back swiftly.

Homework meeting appropriate standards will be celebrated with positive marks, comments and often merits.

Homework not handed in or not to an appropriate standard will result in further action:

  • The teacher will discuss the situation with the student to ascertain the reasons for the work not being completed
  • The student may be given a second chance when homework is normally completed to a high standard and on time
  • Students may be required to complete the work at lunchtime. If the problem persists, after School detentions may be invoked.
  • The Tutor will be informed should the lack or standard of homework become a regular issue and parents will be informed by the subject teacher in the first instance. The Rewards and Sanctions Policy will be followed.
  • Continued problems with homework will result in the Tutor, class teacher or Assistant Principal Academic contacting parents so that further strategies in line with the whole school Code of Conduct can be agreed.

Should you have any questions about your child’s homework, please contact your child’s Tutor or the relevant subject class teacher in the first instance.

Further enquiries may be escalated to the Heads of Department or the Assistant Principal Academic. A list of contact details for the Heads of Department can be found below.

Art  Mrs Beth Vink BA (Hons) PGCE
Business And Economics  Mr Mark Gibbons MSc GTP QTS
Computer Science & Ict Mrs Linda Nelson BA (Hons) PGCE
Design Technology  Mr Michael Pitts BEng (Hons) PGCE
English Mr David Paige BA (Hons) PGCE
Food And Nutrition Mrs Jennifer Allwood BEd (Hons)
Forest School Mr Phil Davies BA (Hons) PGCE
Humanities Mrs Lisa Yeomans BA (Hons) PGCE
Mathematics Mr Mark McCormack MA BEd
Modern Foreign Languages Mrs Isabelle West BA (Hons) QTS
Music Mr Peter Bennett PGCE
PE& Games Mr Ian Simpson BSc
Performing Arts Miss Deirdre Duffy BA (Hons) PGCE NPQSL
PSHEE & REPS Mrs Melanie Flynn-Haddon BEd (Hons)
Psychology Mrs Lyndsey Taylor BSc (Hons) GTP
Science Mr Christian Freeman Acting Head of Science