students baking

Pupil Code Of Conduct

Guiding Principles

Our pupil Code of Conduct, created in consultation with our Pupil Parliament and to which all pupils must adhere to, is an essential part of school life. Pupils and parents should be aware of these guidelines when making an application for admission to our school.

  • Pupils recognise there are consequences to our actions should we choose not to follow our agreed guidelines
  • Pupils are kind, friendly and respectful to everyone and we treat our school with care
  • Pupils listen attentively to others and raise our hands to ask a question
  • Pupils are on time for all lessons and activities with the correct equipment
  • Pupils look smart by wearing the correct uniform at all times
  • Pupils strive to be the best they can in all they say and do
  • Pupils want to be recognised for their efforts and achievements and expect that this will take place at school

Teachers praise verbally and offer positive encouragement, write positive comments on work, give responsibilities, share pupil work with others, display pupil work and promote that pupils praise others.

Praise Points: Pupils are awarded praise points as a reward for exceptional work, community spirit and enterprise, sporting achievements etc.  Praise point totals are recorded weekly and put towards the House total.  The House with the most praise points wins the House Merit Cup. Praise Certificates are awarded throughout the year for those who achieve the following praise point scores in a term: Bronze: 50 praise points, Silver: 100 praise points, Gold: 150 praise points, a Platinum certificate is also awarded to those who score in excess of 200 praise points; they are entered for the House draw at the end of the academic year.


Pupils are awarded commendations for special achievements such as demonstrating talent, an excellent approach to learning or a community achievement.


Our achievements are identified and celebrated in assembly.


Our achievements are identified in the newsletter.


Certificates are awarded for Effort, Progress and Achievement at Speech Day.

Star of the Week

In the Prep School one child from each class each week is awarded star of the week by their class teacher.


Stickers may be used by individual teachers to recognise our successes.


Notes home in a variety of forms may be sent by our class/form/subject teachers to recognise success.

Speech Day

Achievements throughout the year are celebrated.


Fireworks at Gosfield School – Saturday 2nd November

Buy Tickets Here 

Scholarship Days

Year 7 2025 Saturday 9th November

Sixth form 2025 Thursday 5th December

Find out More